Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Debbie: Le Binge

I binge.  

I don't purge, but I binge.  And not always on food.  In fact, mostly never on food.  (Although, there is the occasional cookie or macaroni binge)

I binge on books, blogs, podcasts, tv series, movies, and culture in general.  But it is cyclical.  I never take small doses of anything.  I always wipe out an entire section of pop culture in a week, and then move on to the next.  Somehow, I can multitask in every other aspect of my life, except the information/infotainment/entertainment aspect of life.  I have recently wrapped a binge on the Hunger Games book series.  This is for another blog, about juvenile writing hijacking hollywood, and therefore plunging me into required reading of said books because I work in said industry.  (I'll postpone that binge topic.)  

My new binge this week is Louis C.K.'s Foxx tv series.  I've been holding off on indulging in Louis, because I listened to a podcast of him recounting some bad blood surrounding the series.  Since, I could no longer recount that bad blood (surely forgotten, because I binged too hard on some podcast series and only retained about 2% of information), I decided it was time to give Louis a try.  I'm already on the second season, and I feel the need to plug Season 2 Episode 2 "Bummer/Blueberries."  

This episode includes a scene that literally had me laughing for about 1 minute straight. I don't laugh out loud at a lot of things, I'm a tough audience.  However, Louis captures the insanity of living in NYC so well.  SPOILER.  The scene is Louis walking down the street, on the way to a date, surrounded by people, as one usually is on the streets of New York.  When suddenly, he hears the wild ramblings of a crazed homeless man.  When he turns around, the homeless man runs straight at Louis screaming.  Louis dodges his tackle by pushing him into the street, where the man is hit by a garbage truck and his head pops off.  

The editing of this short hit and pop, is priceless.  I'm laughing now!  I don't usually have a sick sense of humor, but honestly, this scene IS a possible scenario in NY.  This could, and probably has, happened multiple times in this city.  I can also appreciate being the target of crazies.  If there is someone crazy on the train, or crazy in the restaurant, or crazy on the street, you can bet your ass they are staring right at ME, concocting a way to drum up senseless, loud and one-directional banter with me.  

I suggest everyone jump on the Louis C.K. binge, and I welcome more binge suggestions, for next week.

(enjoy a little Louis and Dr. Katz)

1 comment:

  1. Do you ever see someone you don't know....again? Like god is running out of extras in the movie of your life?

