Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Debbie: Audience

There are a lot of people on this planet. A LOT.

It seems obvious, and especially living in nyc where I rarely claim any personal space, you think the notion of being alone would cease to exist. Yet, nyc is probably the loneliest place I've ever lived. And I know we can all relate to the pangs of lonliness even when we're sleeping next to a partner.

It's that lack of understanding, or "knowing" someone outside yourself that affirmed, for me, that no one gets me. And I AM alone in my own head.

However, last night I went to a variety show at Littlefield in Brooklyn, and I discovered that perhaps we aren't as alone as I assume.
There were comedians, rappers, authors, illustrators, singers, and vaudeville.  Some people were my kin, and some performers were alien to my good senses.
The big revelation was during the cabaret song about cats falling in slow motion.  I have no idea what this performance was about, but I'm pretty sure one person in that audience was thrilled by it. I concluded, in this heavily populated planet, that we all have an audience. people waiting and ready to hear our ideas and see our talents.  The last act concluded the show by saying, do what you want and you will succeed. 

I say, do what you want... there is an audience waiting.

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