Friday, August 3, 2012

Mavis: Red Wine Attacks!

It's Friday. I'm feeling pretty good. A little hungover, but whatever. Nothing like a little red wine mouth fuzz and some Wham! on Pandora to make for a pleasant end of the work week.

I've had the distinct pleasure of having most Fridays off for the past month. A gift from my employer; the kind of gesture that hearkens back to my mom's oft-used adage of "not looking a gift horse in the mouth." Today is my first Friday back in as many weeks as I have fingers on my left hand (5) and although it's a little jarring, I think I'll be okay. I really like my job so it's not a big deal to hang out here most days.

Most days in the office, I feel like a mix between this:

and this:

... neither of which is a bad thing. This week, however, I feel kind of like this:

... which is fine, but again, between the slight hangover and the fact that it's Friday and I'm not chillin' on my couch watching garbage television, it's been a little interesting. Imagine a juggler... a good one... Howie Mandel. (He can juggle, right?) Anyway, imagine that he's mostly been hanging out on his front porch all summer yelling at kids and drinking Old English. Then you throw him 8 tennis balls his way and expect him to juggle at his best. Not gonna happen... at least, not right away. It's ridiculous to expect that. Anyway, that's me today, except no tennis balls... just lots and lots of tasks. And of course, blogging.

Let's take a second to chat about how I can't handle wine anymore. Last night for instance, I had a friend over for gab and nom-noms. (Chats and food.) Of course she brought wine because a) she's an excellent friend, and 2) it's the mannerly thing to do. A white and a red - we chose red. The bottle was an anomaly... "Ghost Pines", yet the picture was clearly of 2 maples... whatever. Misleading label not withstanding, it was delicious so we drank it. (Is there wine that isn't delicious? If so, I've not had it.)

We also ate food. Strawberries, chips, delicious corn salsa, crackers, and port cheese.

And we didn't even finish the bottle. We each had 2 glasses...? Yet here I am at 11 a.m. the next day with mouth furries and a headache. Why?

Is it because red wine is potent and my aging body cannot handle it? Is it because I did not have enough 'real food' in my belly to cushion my gentle intestines from the explosion of potency that is red wine? Is it that I am allergic to red wine in some way? (Man I hope not.)

Anyway, Happy Friday.

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